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The new benchmark for climbing skins. Perfect for extensive and demanding ski touring adventures.
"This product is the best on the market." - Outdoor Gear Lab
The first two-layer climbing skin adhesive. The outer layer is a unique formulation that firmly holds to the ski yet can be effortlessly pulled off, separated glue-to-glue and leaves no residue on the ski. Why two layers? The formulation that provides the amazing handling properties would pull off the skin if used alone. The inner layer is a different compound that firmly bonds the outer layer to the skin. The result:
Hybrid Adhesion technology - low maintenance, easy handling, quick and easy transitions. Enjoy easy on, easy off, easy separation, easy storage, no mess, zero need to re-glue – with tremendous adhesion and reliability. Skins can be folded without any foil or sheet. Unlike traditional glue skins, which are very hard to separate from themselves, the hybrid glue pulls apart very easily. You will appreciate the handling more than you may think at cold trail heads and the top of windy mountain tops.
Black backing reveals wax and other contaminates on the adhesive. When the adhesive is dirty it can be regenerated by simply washing it with ordinary detergent. Every pair includes a solvent wipe to clean and reactivate the adhesive after heavy usage.
Backcountry magazine review: "In testing, the adhesive proved solid, holding with plenty of power in near-zero temps while still pulling effortlessly glue-from-glue. To speed uphilling, the mohair is one of the slickest gliding."
Solvent-free glue |
Excellent in cold weather |
Hybrid adhesion skis are exceptionally easy to use and store |
Exclusive speed webbing |
Pre-treated with Dry Climb Skin Treatment water-resistant coating |
Delivered with skin bag, packet of base cleaner, and use and care manual |
Tip bails and tail clips hook quickly, easily and securely |
Four layer lamination |
100% Mohair, Made in Austria |
Unique products developed, tested, and sustainably manufactured in Austria.
Factory treated with waterproofing to minimize snow and ice build up for top glide performance.
Manufactured with carbon-neutral materials and without fluorine or other toxic substances.
Simple handling from start to finish of any ski tour.
The tackiness of our hybrid adhesive will only be impaired by dirt and other contaminants on its surface. The adhesive strength can be renewed simply by washing with standard detergent and water. For stubborn dirt and wax residue, our hybrid cleaning spray can be used.
After significant use, you can renew the water-resistance, anti-icing and glide characteristics of our skins with our specially formulated Hagan Dry Climb Skin Treatment. For quick field use, our Hagan Skin Wax will keep your skins from icing or collecting wet snow.
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