by Simon Zink January 29, 2025 3 min read 2 Comments
Hagan Hybrid Skins possess unique glue technology that make them the most durable and reliable skins on the market. With a bit of care, they will stay attached to your skis even in the most extreme conditions.
Most skins utilize a single tacky glue to bond the skin to the ski. Our Hybrid skins use two. The first adhesive layer holds the skin to the ski base, while a second layer bonds the first layer to the skin. With two layers, the top adhesive of a Hybrid Skin is able to be formulated to be removed from the ski without leaving residue, as the tackier adhesive beneath provides the strength to keep it bonded to the ski.
This provides many advantages. Specifically, increased resistance to icing in cold weather, the ability to quickly revive skins that have iced, and the reactivation of this glue without reheating/reapplication.
Sub zero temperatures pose arguably the greatest challenge to skin reliability. The cold decreases the rate of the chemical reaction that makes glue bond, and any moisture present can create ice build up in these temps - both compromising the skin from staying attached to a ski base. Last week, I tested the performance of a brand new Hagan Hybrid Skin and a brand new Pomoca Skin in sub zero temperatures during a long multi hour tour in Bozeman. I skied on one of each skin type, Hybrid and Pomoca, and recorded some of my observations. After a 45 minute 2500 ft lap, here’s what I found:
This is one test. However, its quite obvious the difference in how well the Hybrid and Pomoca skins were handling these conditions.
I was more impressed by the ability of the Hybrid Skins to be revived from icing. I’ve noticed this while touring, but had yet to really put it to the test. To demonstrate, I buried both skins in the snow to induce some icing, and then attempted to revive them with the old rub across the knee technique:
The Pomoca skin retained much of its icing particularly on the edges. I have consistently found that once the ice has formed on these skins, it's really tough to remove.
This is much as a lesson in proper skin care as it is a test. I think skin application often goes overlooked when it comes to improving reliability. Its seems straight forward enough: unfold the skin and attach it to the ski. However, if there is any ice on the skin or the ski, the glue will eventually fail to bond. So, when transitioning, make it a habit to wipe the skin glue side down across your leg a few times to remove any ice, and wipe any moisture from your ski base. If you are consistent with this in transition, I guarantee the skins will perform better regardless of the brand.
The tackiness of the Hybrid adhesive will only be impaired by dirt on its surface. One of the advantages of Hybrid Skins is that the adhesive strength can be reactivated by simply washing with standard detergent or water. For stubborn dirt and wax residue, our Hybrid Cleaning Spray or Hybrid Wipes can be used. Contour has two great videos demonstrating how to clean and reactivate the glue using detergent and cleaning spray:
I'll conclude this review with one last anecdote. From experience, I can confidently say that with enough friction I can remove any amount of icing from a hybrid skin and get it to stay attached to my ski. I cannot say the same with other skins.
If you raced at the Wasatch Powderkeg the other week, you may have noticed that the fresh snow and somewhat cold temps seemed to cause many skin failures. To my eye, every single one of the skins involved in these failures were pink. In contrast, I used one pair of hybrid 65’s throughout the two hour event with not the slightest issue. I recognize that this is purely circumstantial evidence. Regardless, I stand by it, and I urge you if you have not done so already to try out a pair of Hybrid skins and feel the difference yourself.
March 06, 2025
Is it possible to try your skin ?
Maybe a free sample ?
I only use pink POMOCA skin . I have more than 20 meters to building my racing skins for me and my Sons (Canadian Skimo team)
Thank’s !
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Jon Wade
March 03, 2025
Thank you! This was very helpful to know. I have had Hagan skis and skins for a few years now and agree that their performance is a couple steps better than Pomoca along with a few other I have tried